Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My special photograph.

Hellow everyone!!!

I'll to write about my favorite photograph. Really is very dificult choose one photograph in between all photographs that I have, because each of this has a significance and are very important for me.

Well... the photograph that I choose was taken in the summer. I was in a very special place to me, in La Rufina, one beautiful place located inside of the Cordillera de los Andes.

I'll finish after xD.

Nintendo Wii, my favorite piece of technology

I feel a little embarrassed, because I think it’s nerd to recognize that my favorite piece of technology is a videogame console, but it’s the truth. I had many times of entertainment playing alone, or with my girlfriend, my friends or with my family.
To the people that don’t know what is the Nintendo Wii console, is a artifact that you can connect to the television and you can play videogames in your living room. The entertaining and what makes the difference to other videogame consoles is that this videogame console used motions controls and not only buttons, making the experience more intuitive and more fun. This is how even my father and mother play with my Wii, because they don’t need to know how play, only they have to move the control like a sword or just follow the exercises or dances displayed on the screen of the tv. 

I have a hard disk full of all tipes of games, providing entertaiment for many hours. Also I can connect my Wii to internet and check my mail, search information, listening to music or watching videos on youtube. Even, I can watching movies in any format form the hard disk or form a DVD. In short, I think Nintendo Wii is the perfect entertaiment system that you can have in your living room.

But not everything is perfect, because the most of my free time I should study... and I'm very bad studying... and my Wii contributes to distract me, because I entertain a lot with it and really don't make you want to study.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The coolest guy I've ever known in the odontology world

The last year I was invited to attend an exhibition about a specialist who performs surgeries to treat facial paralysis. This man, called Omar Campos, is an odontologist graduated in the faculty of odontology of the University of Chile, specializing in maxillofacial surgery in the same university. The facial paralysis treatments existing are ineffective because people with this disease can never fully recover. Therefore he went to France to learn revolutionary methods about how to treat persons with facial paralysis. Currently, he along with a team of neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists, neurologists and other specialists performs treatments for people with facial paralysis with very good results. People even come from outside of Chile to perform operations.

I'm surprised that being a dental surgeon, he was able to lead the field of surgery still above many doctors, something very difficult to do in an area so discriminating as medicine. His achievements and studies you can see on their website and are inspiring and admirable. When I think in all the things that this man do, what he has achieved in his life,  I feel with the desire to study and learn more about dentistry.

 Facial Paralysis, pre and post treatment.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The life is Beautiful

This movie is old and very popular, and I was thinking in write about artistic, current and unknown movie, to encourage people to see a movie with those characteristics. But I can’t stop talking about such a beautiful film, who which is “The life is beautiful”.
Written, directed and starred by Roberto Benigni, this movie tells how an Italian Jewish man falls in love, marries and has one child. He with his son was arrested and taken to concentration camp and he does his best to protect his son against the atrocities occurring in the Nazi’s camp.
Whenever I see this movie, I cry, because is very beautiful!. You can see the love in his best expression, since not only shows an exciting romantic love, also you can see a really emotional fraternal love. Guido, the protagonist, risks to the maximum to protect his son and communicate to his wife (because they are in separated concentration camps) and this is very touching. The end of this movie is great, is very emotional and beautiful. If you never watched this movie, please do it! Because is one of the best movies you can see.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

About me...

My name is Gonzalo (obvious) and I'm 20 years old. I study Odontology in the Chilean University. I'm the younger brother of my two brothers, Sebastián and Daniela. I live only whit them and my mom. We have a little dog, called Cotico. I have a beautiful girlfriend, called Verónica. My english is very bad, and speak this language is very important in the globalized world in which we live. For this, I gave a test to know my english level, and the result was i'm in pre-intermeditate level! =O. I was very confused with this result... I think I'm lucky. But, for this, and because I studied in a municipal school, the pregrade departament of my university give to me the oportunity to do an english course, and I took this oportunity. Maybe I will edit this post, because i dont know what else to write.